MESSIN’ UP – Vol. I (2006) No. 2
“Don’t Count Your Chickens”
By Mike Faulk
September 29, 2006
I finished my workday early at 5pm so I could steal a couple of hours of hunting before dark. The ladder stand near Loy’s log was a promising location on this windless Wednesday afternoon.
Within minutes of climbing the ladder after having checked my boots for clinging mud, I saw in my left peripheral vision a deer silently approaching the stand some 30 yards away. My bow was hanging on a hook on the tree behind me and to my left. I was already wearing the release.
At about 25 yards trees obscured my vision and consequently the deer’s vision. Slowly I reached for and secured the bow. My arrow as already knocked. The deer did not see me retrieve the bow.

She was going to pass in front of me at 10-12 yards if her current course continued. At about 16 yards there was another tree separating us. When she moved behind it, I’d draw. The freezer was going to be full again!
At just the right moment, I put the release to the bowstring. Curses. The release didn’t immediately attach. I diverted my eyes and learned the release didn’t attach because it was closed – not open.
I pulled the trigger to open the release. Instead of smoothly and slowly pulling the trigger to open the release, I got in a hurry. I pulled the trigger just as if I were cutting loose an arrow.
“Click” in that distinctive metallic sound causes such a sickening feeling when a deer standing 15 yards away bolts.
Note to self: control your excitement, silently pull the release trigger, and “don’t count your chickens before they hatch”.
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