Monday, October 29, 2007

First Frost Overnight: Will the Cold Snap Trigger the Rut?

With our overnight temperature dipping into the low and mid-thirties, we have that first good cold snap of the fall here in the Blue Ridge. Many deer experts believe a sudden cold snap this time of year triggers does beginning their estrus cycles. We all know that does beginning that cycle is what actually triggers the rut.

Combine this significant change in our temperatures with the decreased amount of hunting due to an unseasonably warm fall [low number of deer taken during archery season is being reported by Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency] and we have what I believe are the makings for a fantastic muzzleloader season scheduled to begin Saturday, November 3, 2007.

Hunters should note that the number of days anterless deer may be harvested during the first segment of smoke-pole season has been increased:

This year, there have been two days added to the time antlerless deer can be taken by muzzleloader hunters. Last year, hunters were allowed either-sex deer during only the first 3 days of the muzzleloader season. The last 4 days were antlered-only. Hunters are still allowed to take one deer during the 7-day muzzleloader season, but they have 5 days to hunt either-sex, with the last two days being antlered-only.

Finally, we have good news all the way around to get excited about.


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